Welcome to Sato II Stoneham ma also knows as Sato 2 Stoneham you’re very likely to find all of the Chinese, Japanese & sushi selections in Sato 2 menu at the restaurant or Online. Sato II Stoneham is a Chinese & Japanese Cuisine Restaurant best enjoyed with tea in the company of family and friends. Asian food At Sato II Stoneham we have all traditional dishes that originated from china, Japan, timeless favorites with plenty of options for both newcomers and regulars alike. At Sato II Stoneham we combine the freshest ingredients from local farmers with popular Chinese and Japanese herbs and spices, to provide you with the best meal possible. At Sato II Restaurant menu sections are divided into sections for Chinese, Japanese, Sushi, Lunch. At Sato II Stoneham café we have many specialties combined with high standard food and friendly service, which makes for the perfect dining experience. Our food & menu is literally going to “touch your heart”. We have one of the best chef, best kitchen & most famous culinary in town.